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🚀 Power Shifts: Game-Changing Policies, Thriving Trade, and Cultural Synergy

Sheinbaum's economic vision, boosting the US-Mexico grid, and the vibrant world of cross-border shopping.

What’s New This Week

Good Morning, this week we explore the latest in Latino politics and US-Mexico relations, from transformative trade policies to the vibrant intersection of sports and culture. Here’s what you’ll find inside:

  • Featured: Insights from my latest El Universal editorial on Claudia Sheinbaum's historic presidency and its potential impact on US-Mexico trade relations.

  • Trade Winds: An analysis of how Sheinbaum's economic policies could reshape key industries and cross-border investments.

  • Power Move: The urgent need to boost the US-Mexico electrical grid to enhance global competitiveness and support nearshoring.

  • The Playing Field: How NASCAR and NASCAR Mexico are driving cross-border connections, with exciting news about potential future races.

  • The Border Buzz: The economic and cultural impacts of cross-border shopping and how it strengthens US-Mexico relations.

  • Quick Courier: Catch up on key political, trade, and security updates, including Marco Rubio as Trump’s potential VP, the fierce competition for the Latino vote, how investments are flowing to Mexico, and the latest border security and immigration measures.

Scroll down to explore these topics and more in detail. Happy reading!

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The Quick Courier


The US added 272k new jobs in May, beating estimates. The unemployment rate also rose from 3.9% to 4% — the highest level in two years.

The Most American City: The Atlantic explores Phoenix's extreme heat, water scarcity, and rapid growth, posing major sustainability challenges. Featuring Rusty Bowers' defiance against Trump's 2020 election interference, the article highlights the city's reflection of broader national issues. Read more here.

Marco Rubio as Trump’s VP? Vanity Fair examines the buzz around Marco Rubio joining Trump as his running mate, potentially shaking up Biden's campaign. This surprising duo could redefine the 2024 election. Read more

Latino Vote Showdown: USA Today dives into the fierce competition for the Latino vote as Trump, Biden, and RFK Jr. pull out all the stops. This crucial demographic could decide the 2024 election. Read more

Trump Chases Latino Vote: The Boston Herald reports on Trump’s efforts to win over Latino voters as Biden's support among young Hispanics wanes. This shift could be a game-changer in the upcoming election. Read more

Hispanics in PA: Biden's 2024 Hurdle: CounterPunch reports on how Hispanic voters in Pennsylvania are shifting away from Biden, potentially jeopardizing his reelection chances. This defection could be a critical blow. Read more


Seamless US-Canada Border: Grand Forks Herald covers the Consul General's call for a seamless US-Canada border to boost trade and relations. Streamlined borders could enhance economic growth. Read more

Mexico's Nearshoring Boom: Brownfield Ag News explores how Mexico's nearshoring potential could impact the US agricultural sector. This shift promises to reshape supply chains and trade dynamics. Read more

Mexico: Ground Zero in US-China Rivalry: South China Morning Post examines how Mexico is becoming a battleground for US-China influence. The geopolitical tug-of-war could reshape the region's future. Read more

$15B LNG Investment in Mexico: Mexico News Daily reports on a massive $15 billion investment in Mexico's LNG sector. This project promises to boost the economy and position Mexico as a key energy player. Read more

Security and Migration

Migrant Arrests Drop at US-Mexico Border: US News reports a significant drop in migrant arrests at the US-Mexico border as Biden's new asylum policies take effect. This development marks a shift in immigration enforcement. Read more

Coast Guard Transfers Migrants: The US Coast Guard has transferred 109 migrants to the Bahamas and repatriated 196 to Haiti, as reported by USCG News. This operation underscores ongoing efforts in migration management. Read more

Orthodoxy and Border Policies: The Atlantic analyzes how rigid border policies may have hurt the Democrats' stance on immigration. This critique delves into the political ramifications of these strategies. Read more

In my latest editorial for El Universal, titled "Caminos Innovadores para una Relación más Fuerte entre EU y México," I explore the potential economic implications of Claudia Sheinbaum's historic presidency. I analyze how her policies might reshape US-Mexico trade relations, focusing on innovative strategies to strengthen our bilateral ties. This piece delves into the opportunities and challenges ahead, highlighting key sectors that could benefit from enhanced collaboration and sustainable development initiatives.

Trade Winds

The Impact of Claudia Sheinbaum's Presidency on US-Mexico Trade Relations

The election of Claudia Sheinbaum as Mexico's first woman president marks a significant milestone. Her presidency brings potential shifts in US-Mexico trade relations, with her economic policies likely influencing key industries and cross-border investments.

A New Economic Agenda

Sheinbaum’s campaign focused on economic reform, social justice, and sustainable development. Her administration aims to reduce inequality, promote environmental sustainability, and foster innovation. This agenda aligns with broader goals of strengthening Mexico’s economy while ensuring inclusive growth, potentially opening new avenues for collaboration with the US in renewable energy, technology, and infrastructure.

Trade Policies and Regulations

Sheinbaum's administration may revise existing trade policies and regulations to align with her vision for Mexico. This could include renegotiating trade agreements, enhancing labor standards, and implementing stricter environmental regulations, affecting industries reliant on cross-border supply chains.

Impact on Key Industries

Manufacturing and Automotive: Changes in labor laws and environmental regulations could increase production costs in the manufacturing sector, particularly the automotive industry. However, this may also drive innovation and sustainable practices, benefiting both economies long-term.

Agriculture: Stricter regulations on agricultural practices may impact exports and imports, presenting opportunities for collaboration on sustainable farming techniques and technologies.

Technology and Innovation: Sheinbaum’s focus on innovation presents significant opportunities for US-Mexico collaboration. Support for tech startups and digital infrastructure could attract US investors and tech companies, fostering a vibrant tech ecosystem.

Predictions for the Future

Strengthening Bilateral Relations: Sheinbaum's presidency could lead to stronger bilateral relations, with both nations finding common ground on climate change, labor rights, and economic inclusivity. Enhanced cooperation on these fronts can pave the way for robust trade and investment flows.

Challenges and Adaptations: Businesses will need to navigate evolving regulations and adapt to new policies, investing in compliance measures and adjusting operational strategies.

Long-Term Outlook: Sheinbaum’s presidency has the potential to positively impact US-Mexico trade relations. Her focus on sustainable development and inclusive growth aligns with global economic trends, positioning Mexico as a key player in international trade. By fostering a collaborative environment, both nations can achieve greater economic prosperity and stability.


Claudia Sheinbaum's presidency promises to be transformative for US-Mexico trade relations. Her economic policies offer both challenges and opportunities for businesses and investors. As her administration takes shape, stakeholders must remain agile and responsive, leveraging the potential for enhanced cooperation and mutual growth. The future of US-Mexico trade relations under Sheinbaum’s leadership is dynamic and promising, setting the stage for a more resilient and prosperous bilateral partnership.

If you are interested in learning more and engaging in cross-border trade and commerce, be sure to follow me on social media, share this newsletter, or reach out for more personalized insights.

If you are interested in learning more and engaging in cross-border trade and commerce, be sure to follow me on social media, share this newsletter, or reach out for more personalized insights.

Power Move

Boosting the US-Mexico Electrical Grid for Global Competitiveness

In today’s rapidly evolving economic landscape, enhancing the US-Mexico electrical grid interconnection should be a top priority to strengthen our competitiveness on the global stage. Recent data from Arizona Public Service (APS) highlights the potential and urgency for such an initiative: it has taken APS 70 years to build up to 7,500 megawatts (MW) of demand, yet they have an astounding 8,000 MW in their project pipeline. This illustrates the immense opportunity for rapid expansion in energy generation capacity.

US-Mexico Electrical Grid

Strengthening Energy Security

By creating a robust and reliable energy infrastructure, we can ensure a stable and redundant power supply to the border region. This would mitigate the risks of power outages and disruptions, securing energy needs and laying the foundation for sustainable and resilient growth.

Economic and Environmental Benefits

A strengthened electrical grid can facilitate the integration of renewable energy sources, driving economic growth and promoting environmental sustainability. By improving grid efficiency, this initiative could attract new investments, support local industries, and create cross-border job opportunities, fostering economic development in the region.

Enhancing Nearshoring Competitiveness

In the context of global competitiveness, the ability to rapidly expand and upgrade energy infrastructure is vital for the success of nearshoring initiatives. Nearshoring, the practice of relocating business operations closer to home, is increasingly becoming a strategic priority for companies looking to optimize supply chains and reduce risks. A reliable and expansive energy infrastructure is a critical factor in making the US-Mexico region an attractive hub for nearshoring.

A Model for Cross-Border Collaboration

Proposing a significant enhancement of the US-Mexico electrical grid interconnection sets a model for future cross-border collaborations. It underscores the importance of working together to address common challenges and highlights the potential for joint initiatives to drive mutual benefits.


Boosting the US-Mexico electrical grid interconnection should be a key initiative to transform the energy landscape of the border region. By enhancing energy security, supporting economic growth, and improving nearshoring competitiveness, such a project would exemplify the power of collaboration and innovation. As we move forward, these efforts will be crucial in fostering a more integrated and resilient North American economy, positioning the region as a global leader in sustainable development and economic prosperity.

The Playing Field

NASCAR and NASCAR México – Driving Cross-Border Connections


NASCAR's collaboration with NASCAR México is accelerating the sport's international growth while strengthening cultural and economic ties between the US and Mexico. The recent NASCAR México Series race at the Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum marked the most recent time the series raced on American soil, featuring top Mexican drivers like Daniel Suárez, who took the victory.

Economic and Cultural Impact

These events draw large crowds and boost local economies through tourism and retail. Recent races in Mexico City and the US have attracted tens of thousands of fans, highlighting the sport's wide appeal and economic potential. Culturally, these events foster greater understanding and appreciation between American and Mexican fans, breaking down barriers and promoting a sense of community.

Future Prospects

Exciting news is on the horizon: there are rumors of an upcoming announcement about NASCAR racing in MĂ©xico in 2025. This development would be a significant boon for the sport and its fans, further integrating NASCAR into the international racing scene and providing more opportunities for cross-border collaboration and cultural exchange.


The partnership between NASCAR and NASCAR MĂ©xico is a powerful example of how sports can drive cultural diplomacy and economic development. With the potential expansion into Mexico in 2025, fans can look forward to even more thrilling races and deeper connections between the US and Mexico.

The Border Buzz

The Economic Impact of Cross-Border Shopping

Cross-border shopping is a vibrant aspect of US-Mexico relations, fostering cultural exchange and significantly impacting local economies.

Economic Benefits

Cross-border shopping drives substantial economic activity in border cities. Mexican shoppers contribute approximately $4.5 billion annually to the US economy, supporting local businesses, generating sales tax revenue, and creating jobs. Cities like El Paso, Texas, and San Diego, California, benefit greatly from this influx of consumer spending.

Conversely, US shoppers support Mexican economies by purchasing affordable or unique goods, benefiting retailers and supporting related industries such as hospitality and transportation.

Cultural Exchange

Cross-border shopping fosters cultural exchange and integration. Shoppers from both countries experience different products and customs, enriching their cultural understanding and promoting mutual appreciation.


Challenges include currency fluctuations, regulatory differences, and border security measures. The devaluation of the Mexican peso can affect shopping patterns, and border wait times can deter shoppers. Streamlining border procedures and enhancing infrastructure are essential to maintaining a smooth shopping experience.

Looking Ahead

To maximize the benefits of cross-border shopping, it is vital to support policies that facilitate ease of movement and economic exchange. Enhancing infrastructure and harmonizing regulations can sustain and grow this vital economic activity.


Cross-border shopping is a cornerstone of US-Mexico relations, driving economic growth and fostering cultural exchange. By understanding its impacts and addressing challenges, we can strengthen the bonds between our nations and enhance the prosperity of border communities.

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