First Edition: Setting the Stage

Marco Lopez Introduces Power Courier - Weekly Expert Analysis and Insights at the Intersection of Politics and Commerce

Welcome to Power Courier

Hon. Marco Lopez

Hola amigo, I'm thrilled to introduce you to Power Courier, my brand-new weekly newsletter. Designed to be your premier source for expert analysis and insights, Power Courier delves deep into the intricate world of politics and commerce. With years of leadership in international trade, commerce, and U.S.-Mexico relations, I bring you frontline perspectives from the nexus of policy and business.

Through Power Courier, I aim to share my expertise and provide you with timely, relevant, and actionable insights to navigate the intricate landscape of global trade and commerce, complemented by political analysis, sports commentary, and engaging cultural content – all designed to keep you informed, inspired, and connected to the pulse of international business and beyond.

In each edition, I'll bring you:

  • Bite-sized news briefs to keep you up-to-date on the latest developments

  • In-depth analysis and commentary on key issues and trends

  • Insights into the intersection of sports, culture, and business

  • Profiles of influential leaders and innovators shaping the future of international trade and commerce

My goal is to provide you with a unique perspective, spark meaningful conversations, and empower you to make informed decisions in your professional and personal life.

Thank you for joining me on this journey. I look forward to sharing my insights and expertise with you through Power Courier.

Best regards,
Marco Lopez

The Quick Courier

  1. Mexico’s Water Crisis: With Mexico City facing a severe water shortage, authorities are grappling with how to manage water distribution and ensure access for its 21 million residents. Read more

  2. Political Divide: Pew Research Center's latest survey reveals Americans' top foreign policy priorities for 2024, including protecting jobs, fighting terrorism, addressing climate change, concerns about cyberattacks and human rights violations, and varying views on handling Russia and China. Read more

  3. Trump’s Immigrant Visa: Trump is embroiled in a fresh controversy as a judge demands transparency over Truth Social's alleged exploitation of immigration visas. Read more

  4. Migration and U.S.-Mexico Relations: The United States continues to pressure Mexico on migration issues, and transit and irregular migration through Mexico remain at high levels. Read more

Trade Winds

Mexico's Rise as a Top Trading Partner
Mexico has become the top U.S. trading partner, surpassing China, with total bilateral trade between the two countries reaching $263 billion in the first four months of 2023.

Key Factors Contributing to Mexico's Rise

  • Nearshoring: Mexico's expanding manufacturing base offers an alternative to producing in China, driven by increased protectionism and industrial policies.

  • Automotive Industry: The automotive sector plays a significant role in the cross-border manufacturing relationship, with a U.S. plant typically producing intermediate goods exported to Mexico for assembly.

  • Trade Tensions with China: The U.S.-China trade tensions, including tariffs, have contributed to Mexico's emergence as a top trading partner.

Implications and Trends

  • Regional Trade: Mexico's rise as a top trading partner reflects a shift towards more regional trade and nearshoring, with the U.S.-Mexico trade share at 15.4% of all U.S. trade.

  • Manufacturing Hub: Mexico's manufacturing base expansion positions it as a manufacturing hub, with bilateral manufacturing trade between Mexico and the U.S. representing 16.5% of all U.S. manufacturing trade.

  • Growth Opportunities: The nearshoring trend is expected to continue, with Mexico attracting foreign investment and companies relocating from Asia.

Power Move

Water Cooperation for a Sustainable Future

As the candidates for Mexico City mayor debated this week, water availability emerged as a critical issue, highlighting the pressing need for effective management and cooperation. As someone with experience in Arizona, I understand the significance of water scarcity and the benefits of collaborative approaches.

The Current State:

  • Water Stress: Mexico City faces severe water scarcity, with a growing population and limited resources.

  • Drought: Arizona and the Southwest United States are experiencing prolonged drought, impacting water supplies and ecosystems.

  • Shared Challenges: Both regions face similar water management issues, including aging infrastructure, climate change, and environmental concerns.

The Power Move:

  • Binational Cooperation: Strengthen U.S.-Mexico collaboration on water management, sharing expertise and best practices to address shared challenges.

  • Sustainable Infrastructure: Invest in modern, efficient water infrastructure, including desalination, recycling, and conservation measures.

  • Water-Smart Agriculture: Promote water-efficient farming practices and technologies, reducing agricultural water usage and supporting sustainable food production.

  • Environmental Stewardship: Protect and restore natural ecosystems, preserving water sources and biodiversity.

Working Together:

By combining our expertise and resources, we can make significant strides in water management and sustainability. Let's:

  • Share Knowledge: Exchange research, technologies, and innovative solutions to address water challenges.

  • Foster Collaboration: Encourage cross-border partnerships, engaging local communities, governments, and private sectors.

  • Support Water Education: Educate the public on water conservation, efficiency, and sustainability, empowering individuals to make a positive impact.

By making water cooperation a priority, we can ensure a more resilient, sustainable future for our regions. Let's work together to address this critical issue and create a better tomorrow for generations to come.

The Playing Field

Mexican Racers Checo Perez and Daniel Suarez: Pioneers in Their Respective Sports

  • Breaking Barriers: Checo Perez and Daniel Suarez are two Mexican racers who have made history in their respective sports, Formula 1 and NASCAR, paving the way for future generations of Mexican drivers.

  • Escuderia Telmex Roots: Both drivers got their start through Escuderia Telmex in Mexico, a racing team that has been instrumental in launching the careers of many Mexican drivers.

  • Cultural Impact: The success of Perez and Suarez has had a significant impact on Mexican culture, inspiring a new generation of young drivers and fans, and helping to grow the popularity of motorsport in Mexico and beyond.


The Border Buzz

A Cheesy Childhood Favorite - Caldo de Queso

This week's Border Buzz gets personal! We delve into the warm embrace of Caldo de Queso, a.k.a. Sonoran Cheese Soup, a dish that's been warming my heart (and belly) since childhood.

Memories in a Bowl:

Caldo de Queso isn't just any cheese soup. It's a taste of home. Growing up, my mom would whip up this simple yet magical dish – diced potatoes, onions, tomatoes, and peppers simmered in a rich broth, all culminating in a melty cheese fiesta. Traditionally Queso Chihuahua is used, but Monterey Jack works wonders too.

Beyond Comfort:

Caldo de Queso transcends a bowl. It's a Sonoran staple, a celebration of fresh ingredients, and a delicious symbol of the vibrant U.S.-Mexico border culture.

Caldo de Queso


This cheesy masterpiece is as easy to make as it is to love. Find a recipe online or visit a local restaurant for a taste of Sonora. For a protein punch, add shredded chicken, and top it off with sour cream, cilantro, and your favorite hot sauce for a flavor fiesta!

Indulge in Caldo de Queso and discover a taste of the rich U.S.-Mexico border culture, one comforting spoonful at a time.

Power Poll

What do you think is the most critical issue that needs to be addressed in the U.S.-Mexico trade relationship?

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Join the Conversation

Thanks for reading this edition of my newsletter! I'd love to hear from you. Share your thoughts about what you think are the most critical issues that need to be addressed. Email me at [email protected] or connect with me on social media using the hashtag #Intermestic.

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