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🌎 Continental Surge: Historic Elections, Economic Crossroads, and Tequila Triumphs

Mexico's Historic Election, Nearshoring Opportunities, Family Remittances, Soccer Diplomacy, & Tequila Varieties

What’s New This Week

Good Morning, this week Mexico teeters on the edge of history with a potential first female president, but the victory champagne might be on hold – the new leader inherits a complex economic labyrinth. Can they navigate trade with the U.S., capitalize on nearshoring, and attract investment? We also delve into the hidden hero of Mexico's economy – family remittances. On the lighter side, is soccer the secret weapon for strengthening U.S.-Mexico relations? And don’t miss the section on how Tequila is made and the varieties preparing you for your next celebration. Meanwhile, our Quick Courier snippets serve up breaking news like a major cartel figure's extradition, a potential border strike in Canada, and a tiny taco stand's shocking Michelin Star win. Buckle up and dive into this week's edition – it's a fiesta of news you won't want to miss!

The Quick Courier

  1. Historic First: Mexico is poised to elect its first female president with ruling-party candidate Claudia Sheinbaum and opposition's Xochitl Galvez leading the race. This significant milestone occurs in a country grappling with gender violence and inequality. The new president will face challenges including managing migration, U.S. relations, and criminal violence. Read more

  2. Renewables Key to Mexico's Nearshoring Success: Mexico's vast solar, wind, geothermal, and hydropower resources are crucial for its nearshoring potential. Significant increases in clean energy capacity depend on supportive policies and private sector investment. Read more

  3. Betrayal at the Border: Former U.S. Border Patrol Agent Hector Hernandez has been sentenced to 87 months in prison for bribery and drug trafficking. Hernandez admitted to accepting bribes to smuggle narcotics and people across the U.S.-Mexico border while on duty. Read more

  4. Massive Meth Seizure at the Border: CBP officers in California seized over 1,400 packages of methamphetamine, nearly six tons worth $18 million, hidden in a shipment of squash. Read more

  5. Terminal Takeover Ignites U.S.-Mexico Tensions: The seizure of Vulcan Materials' terminal by Mexican authorities has heightened U.S.-Mexico tensions. The White House warned that unfair treatment of U.S. companies could harm future investments. Read more

  6. El Nini Extradited to the U.S.: Mexico extradited Nestor Isidro Perez Salas, known as "El Nini," the security chief for El Chapo's sons, to the U.S. Perez, a key figure in the Sinaloa Cartel, faces charges of murder, torture, and drug trafficking. Read more​

  7. Taco Triumph: A tiny Mexican taco stand wins Michelin Star, causing fans to queue around the block. The stand's success showcases the rich culinary traditions of Mexico and brings international acclaim to humble street vendors. Read more

  8. Border Crisis: Over 9,000 Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) workers are voting on a strike mandate, with the potential for job action in June. This strike could severely disrupt cross-border trade and travel. Read more

  9. Medical Supply Shakeup: Disruptions to global supply chains are forcing medical device companies to rethink production. They're adopting strategies like reshoring, nearshoring, and friendshoring to create more dependable and geographically closer supply chains and Mexico and Latin America are benefitting. Read more

I was recently featured on NPR alongside my mother, discussing the complex dynamics of border politics along the U.S.-Mexico border. In this insightful interview, we explore the multifaceted issues affecting our border communities and the critical role of policy in shaping their future, and the impact on the upcoming US elections. Listen here.

Trade Winds

Mexico's Presidential Elections and the Future of Trade Relations

Mexico's Economic Future

As Mexico approaches its presidential elections on Sunday, June 2nd, the country's economic future is a key issue. The new leader will face significant challenges, especially in managing international trade, nearshoring trends, foreign direct investment (FDI), and the crucial role of remittances from Mexican-born citizens living in the USA.

Trade's Central Role

Trade is vital to Mexico's economy, supported by extensive free trade agreements, notably the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA). Mexico became the top U.S. trading partner in early 2023, with bilateral trade totaling $263 billion in the first four months of the year and accounting for more than 15 percent of total U.S. trade. The next president's trade policies will be critical in maintaining and enhancing these economic benefits, which support millions of jobs and attract significant FDI.

Nearshoring Opportunities

Nearshoring, driven by the need for resilient supply chains, presents a golden opportunity for Mexico. The country's proximity to the US, competitive labor costs, and robust manufacturing sectors make it an attractive destination for businesses relocating operations closer to primary markets. The new administration must prioritize infrastructure development, streamline regulatory processes, and ensure a stable business environment to maximize nearshoring benefits.

FDI and Economic Growth

Foreign direct investment is essential for Mexico's growth, bringing capital, technology, and access to international markets. The next president must enhance security, combat corruption, and ensure the rule of law to attract and retain FDI. Labor reforms balancing worker and employer interests will also be crucial.

The Impact of Remittances

Remittances from Mexican-born citizens in the USA play a significant role in Mexico's economy, amounting to over $60 billion annually. These funds support millions of families and contribute to local economies. Many of these citizens have the opportunity to vote in the upcoming elections, and their interests and contributions should be recognized in shaping economic policies. The new administration must facilitate smoother remittance processes and ensure these funds continue to bolster the economy.

The Path Forward

The outcome of Mexico's presidential elections will shape the country's economic trajectory. Embracing nearshoring, fostering a welcoming environment for FDI, and leveraging the power of remittances are vital steps for the new leader. By prioritizing trade and investment, the next administration can ensure Mexico remains competitive and prosperous on the global stage.

As Mexico stands at this pivotal moment, the decisions made by its new president will have far-reaching implications, not just for Mexico but for North America and beyond. The interconnected nature of today's global economy means Mexico's success will resonate globally, underscoring the importance of strategic and forward-thinking leadership.

Power Move

Remittances – The Unsung Economic Force

Remittances: Fueling Local Economies and Supporting Families in Mexico.

As Mexico heads to the polls, one often overlooked yet powerful economic driver is remittances from Mexican-born citizens living in the United States. These funds play a crucial role in the country's economy, contributing over $60 billion annually and providing essential support to millions of families.

Economic Lifeline

Remittances are a lifeline for many households in Mexico, helping to cover basic needs such as food, housing, and education. This steady flow of money has a stabilizing effect on local economies, especially in rural areas where employment opportunities can be scarce. The new Mexican administration must recognize the importance of these funds and ensure policies that facilitate their transfer and utilization.

Voting Influence

Interestingly, many of these Mexican-born U.S. residents have the opportunity to vote in the upcoming elections. Their participation could significantly influence the election outcome, given their vested interest in the economic policies that affect their families back home. Most of the candidates have visited the U.S. to talk to these communities, addressing their concerns and emphasizing policies that support the ease of sending and receiving remittances.

Catalyst for Development

Remittances are more than just a financial lifeline; they are a catalyst for development. Investments in local businesses, education, and infrastructure often stem from these funds. The new administration should create frameworks to channel remittances into productive ventures, ensuring sustainable economic growth.

Policy Implications

The next president should focus on:

  • Reducing Transfer Costs: Streamlining the remittance process to minimize fees and maximize the money received by families.

  • Encouraging Investment: Offering incentives for remittance recipients to invest in local enterprises and education.

  • Strengthening Financial Inclusion: Expanding access to banking services in rural areas to facilitate secure and efficient remittance transfers.

A Vital Connection

The connection between the Mexican diaspora and their homeland is vital. As Mexico stands on the cusp of political change, understanding and harnessing the power of remittances could provide a significant boost to the nation's economic resilience and growth.

The Playing Field

The Role of Sports in Strengthening U.S.-Mexico Relations

Soccer unites U.S. and Mexican fans, fostering cultural exchange.

As Mexico prepares for its presidential elections, it's essential to recognize how sports, particularly soccer, play a vital role in strengthening U.S.-Mexico relations. Beyond the economic and social impacts, sports serve as a bridge between cultures, fostering a sense of unity and mutual respect.

Soccer as a Cultural Connector

Soccer is more than just a game in both the U.S. and Mexico; it's a cultural phenomenon that brings people together across borders. The shared passion for soccer has led to numerous collaborations, from friendly matches to joint hosting of major events like the upcoming 2026 FIFA World Cup. These interactions promote cultural exchange and understanding, helping to break down barriers and build stronger ties between the two nations.

Economic and Social Benefits

The economic impact of sports events is significant. The upcoming 2026 World Cup, co-hosted by the U.S., Mexico, and Canada, is projected to generate billions in economic activity. For Mexico, this event will bring tourism, job creation, and infrastructure development, providing a substantial boost to local economies. Additionally, sports events foster social cohesion, offering a platform for communities to come together and celebrate shared interests.

Youth and Community Development

Sports also play a crucial role in youth and community development. Soccer programs and initiatives across both countries provide opportunities for young people to engage in positive activities, learn valuable life skills, and build lasting friendships. These programs often extend beyond the field, promoting education, health, and social inclusion.

Diplomacy Through Sports

Sports diplomacy is an effective tool for fostering international relations. Joint sports initiatives and events create opportunities for diplomatic engagement and collaboration. By participating in sports exchanges and partnerships, the U.S. and Mexico can strengthen their bilateral relations and address common challenges through a spirit of cooperation.

Looking Ahead

As Mexico elects its new president, it's important to continue leveraging the power of sports to enhance U.S.-Mexico relations. By investing in sports infrastructure, supporting youth programs, and promoting joint events, both nations can build on their shared love of soccer to foster unity and mutual respect.

In conclusion, sports, particularly soccer, are a powerful force for good in U.S.-Mexico relations. As we look forward to the 2026 World Cup and beyond, let's celebrate the role of sports in bringing our nations closer together and building a brighter, more connected future.

The Border Buzz

Exploring Tequila – Mexico’s Iconic Spirit

Exploring the rich heritage and varieties of tequila.

Tequila, a quintessential Mexican spirit, has captivated the world with its rich history, diverse varieties, and unique production process. As its popularity continues to rise, especially in the U.S. market, understanding the nuances of tequila can enhance appreciation for this cultural gem.

The Making of Tequila

Tequila is produced from the blue agave plant, primarily grown in the region around Tequila, a town in the state of Jalisco, and in the highlands of Jalisco. The production process involves several key steps:

  1. Harvesting: The agave plants, which take 7-10 years to mature, are harvested by skilled workers known as jimadores. They remove the leaves to reveal the piña (the heart of the plant).

  2. Cooking: The piñas are then cooked in traditional brick ovens or autoclaves to convert the plant's starches into fermentable sugars.

  3. Crushing: The cooked piñas are crushed to extract the juice, known as aguamiel.

  4. Fermentation: The aguamiel is fermented in large vats or tanks, transforming the sugars into alcohol.

  5. Distillation: The fermented liquid is distilled twice (or more) to produce a clear spirit. The first distillation produces a cloudy liquid called ordinario, which is distilled again to produce clear silver tequila.

  6. Aging: Depending on the type of tequila, the spirit is aged in wooden barrels. This aging process can vary, influencing the flavor and color of the final product.

Varieties of Tequila

Tequila comes in several distinct varieties, each with unique characteristics:

  1. Blanco (Silver): Unaged or aged for less than two months in stainless steel or neutral oak barrels. It has a clear appearance and a pure agave flavor.

  2. Reposado: Aged between two months and one year in oak barrels. It has a golden hue and a more complex flavor profile, with hints of oak and vanilla.

  3. Añejo: Aged for one to three years in oak barrels. It has a darker color and a richer, smoother taste with notes of caramel and spice.

  4. Extra Añejo: Aged for over three years. This variety is the most complex and expensive, with deep amber color and a sophisticated flavor profile.

  5. Añejo Cristalino: Aged like an Añejo but filtered to remove the color, resulting in a clear spirit with the smoothness of an aged tequila and the crispness of a Blanco.

Top Tequila Brands in the U.S. Market

Several tequila brands have gained popularity in the U.S., known for their quality and distinct flavors:

  1. Patrón: One of the most recognized premium tequila brands, known for its smooth taste and high-quality production.

  2. Don Julio: Celebrated for its rich flavor and variety, including the popular Don Julio 1942 Añejo. (My favorite: Don Julio 70)

  3. Casa Noble: An organic tequila brand praised for its clean, pure taste and environmentally friendly practices.

  4. Herradura: Known for its traditional production methods and robust flavors, particularly in its Reposado and Añejo varieties.

  5. El Jimador: A popular choice for its affordability and quality, offering a range of tequila types from Blanco to Añejo.

The Cultural Significance of Tequila

Tequila is more than just a drink; it is a symbol of Mexican heritage and tradition. It plays a central role in celebrations, rituals, and daily life in Mexico. The craftsmanship and care involved in its production reflect the dedication of generations of tequila makers.


As tequila continues to grow in popularity, particularly in the U.S., understanding its varieties, production process, and cultural significance can deepen appreciation for this iconic spirit. Whether you enjoy it neat, in a cocktail, or as part of a celebration, tequila remains a testament to Mexico's rich cultural legacy. After Sunday's elections, many will be toasting with tequila, either to celebrate the results or to lament them.

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